31 December 2013

December Running and 2014 Races

I ran an easy six miles this morning to finish off a 20 run/150 mile December. My runs/mileage were 24/139 in October and 20/146 in November. Looking back over the last three months of running, several things jump out at me.  First up, switching my long run to Saturdays with a shorter recovery run on Sundays and sandwiching them between my Friday/Monday rest days has been working great for me since I made the schedule switch six weeks ago.  Second, Monday is a perfect rest day for me and I have been consistently keeping it as such since mid-October.  Third, periodically dropping the mileage back by keeping the weekly long run in single digits is helping keep the legs fresh.

Going into next year, I have signed up for my first four races of 2014 - three halfs and a marathon. The last Saturday in January and first Saturday in February have me running a local race with the Running From An Angel half marathon at Lake Mead and travelling to Death Valley for the Death Valley marathon on Feb 1st.  That is going to be a big weekend for the family with my first marathon and my wife running her first half.  After that, I have the Six Tunnels to Hoover Dam half marathon in March and the Rockin Rabbit half in April.  After that, we will wait and see.

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